Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The History of African Americans Slavery Essay - 1649 Words

The history of African-Americans has been a paradox of incredible triumph in the face of tremendous human tragedy. African-American persons were shown much discrimination and were treated as second class citizens in the colonies during the development of the nation. The first set men, women, and children to work in the colonies were indentured servants, meaning they were only required to work for a set amount of years before they received their freedom. Then, in 1619 the first black Africans came to Virginia. With no slave laws in place, they were initially treated as indentured servants, a source of free labor, and given the same opportunities for freedom dues as whites. However, slave laws were soon passed – in Massachusetts in†¦show more content†¦During the development of the colonies and the nation as a whole, slaves were utilized in order to produce the crops and perform laborious tasks that were â€Å"below† white people. In the 1660s, there was an increased demand for tobacco products as well as indigo and rice in England (â€Å"African American Slavery in the Colonial Era, 1619-1775†). In order to fulfill the demand, there was a spike in interest in purchasing slaves. More and more slaves were needed to produce larger amounts of crops for the plantation owners. In South Carolina, indigo and rice were popular crops to be cultivated during the eighteenth century. Slaves would work laboriously cutting, preparing, and drying the indigo so that it could be used by other slaves to die cotton yarn, wool, and silk to produce denim jeans and other clothing items. Rice was also a common crop produced on the â€Å"Rice Coast.† Slaves who had the skill of planting rice were employed in the Carolinas and labored over the task of cultivating rice (Wood 60). The rice was sold within the nation and outside for profit. The slave owner would reap the benefits of having strong workers and often times was able to gain political power and benefitted economically as well. In Virginia and Maryland, tobacco was very popular in theShow MoreRelatedThe History of African American Slavery1353 Words   |  6 PagesThe History of African American Slavery Tongela Vaughan Axia College of University of Phoenix The History of African American Slavery A slave is someone who is owned by another human. They do as they are told to do by their owners. African Americans had an unfair start in America, by being captured and brought over from Africa to be slaves. Do you know how slaves were treated? The conditions and treatment of slaves were different fromthe average American. 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